From book "FLOWERS OF THE MINERAL KINGDOM". No specific release date is set for the Flowers of the Mineral Kingdom book, yet. This is a mineral from the selection of micromount-sized specimens. It's only a garnet: andradite. Val Malenco, Italy. Crystal is only 2 millimeters, but you wouldn't know it as it is a half-page image in the book. From the Domenico Preite collection. Photo by Matteo Chinellato.

Fonte: Facebook Flowers of the mineral kingdom.

Foto da semana #1

From book "FLOWERS OF THE MINERAL KINGDOM". No specific release date is set for the Flowers of the Mineral Kingdom book, yet. This is a mineral from the selection of micromount-sized specimens. It's only a garnet: andradite. Val Malenco, Italy. Crystal is only 2 millimeters, but you wouldn't know it as it is a half-page image in the book. From the Domenico Preite collection. Photo by Matteo Chinellato.

Fonte: Facebook Flowers of the mineral kingdom.

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